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« Innocent Kagbara unveils ambitious plan to transform Togo into a Hub of Technological Innovation »

Revealing his vision gradually in a weekly program created for the occasion on January 29, 2024, the president of the Pan-African Democratic Party (PDP), Honorable Innocent KAGBARA, presented his project to the Togolese public to build a technological city with a financing of start-ups up to 20 billion CFA francs. Convinced of the potential and innovative genius of Togo, the young congressman wants to transpose the Silicon Valley model to TOGO in order to adapt to the current virtual and digital economy.

To achieve this, the ambitious president of the PDP presents a number of measures to be taken to realize such a project. For him, nothing is impossible, it only requires political will, patriotic vision, and thoughtful manifest value.

Speaking about the concrete measures for creating an entrepreneurial and innovative culture in Togo, he advocates a series of measures that he presents with certainty:

« We believe that the Togolese economy sometimes lacks dynamism due to a lack of innovation and underinvestment in technology. Our project details succinctly the steps to be taken to create a technological hub.

First, it is necessary to requisition a 20-hectare space that will be transformed into a university free zone. This space will be home to African and foreign universities that share the same ideals as us.

We will create an environment conducive to the development of actors, while taking into account ecological requirements.

We will attract the best researchers to our country with state subsidies.
First: selection of the best students in innovation and technology with an annual call for applications
Second: establishment of research laboratories and selection of the best invention and research projects
Third: financing of companies with the best high-value-added projects

Drawing inspiration from the success of American multinationals, our partners will be Google, Amazon, Facebook, and all the other companies in Silicon Valley.

Thanks to an annual financing of 20 billion, I am convinced that I can make the Togolese economy resilient, audacious, and prosperous in the field of technological innovation. This project aims to create an ecosystem conducive to the growth of start-ups and to stimulate entrepreneurship in Togo, said Innocent Kagbara .


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